“Theme oriented” trainings are addressing clients who are already knowledgeable about H2020 but need further and deeper information about specific thematic areas. They need to better understand the current work programme and in particular need to find out to what extent their proposal ideas can fit in such work programmes. Our target group is researchers from universities and from the private sector in the domain of “Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy”.
- HORIZON 2020 Overview // Thies Wittig, Turkey in H2020 Project
- Understanding the structure and philosophy behind the programme: the new focus on innovation
- Rules for participation and financing
- The structure of Work Programmes, examples
- Clean Secure and Efficient Energy in H2020 // Sergio Sanz and Ali Vasallo
- Introduction (scoping paper, references, platforms...)
- The main topics of the new (draft) Work Programme:
- Part 1 // Ali Vasallo
- Energy efficiency
- Global leadership in renewables
- Part 2 // Ali Vasallo
- Smart and clean energy for consumers
- Smart citizen-centred energy systems
- Smart Cities and Communities
- Enabling near-zero CO2 emissions from fossil fuel power plants and carbon intensive industries
- Examples of funded projects // Sergio Sanz and Ali Vasallo
- The importance of impact and how to achieve it // Sergio Sanz
- Interactive Session: Call analysis workshop based on participants’ proposal ideas:
- Finding the right call for your idea
- Analysing the call text: a first work breakdown structure
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