The Theme Oriented training on H2020 Health, demographic change and wellbeing calls took place in Istanbul on Sep 28th, 2017. You can find all presentations and supporting material in this page.
- Participate in H2020: Support provided by the "Turkey in H2020" project.
- HORIZON 2020 Overview // Thies Wittig, TiH2020 Project
- Understanding the structure and philosophy behind the programme: the new focus
- Rules for participation and financing
- The structure of Work Programmes, examples
- Societal Challenge 1: Health, demographic change and wellbeing //
Juan E. Riese, Health Institute Carlos III, Spain- Priority 1: Better health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems
- Personalised medicine
- Innovative health and care industry
- Infectious diseases and improving global health
- Innovative health and care delivery services – Integration of care
- Priority 2: Digital transformation in Health and Care
- eHealth and mHealth
- ICT for Active and Healthy Ageing
- Big Data for health and care
- Priority 3: Trusted digital solutions and Cybersecurity in Health and Care
- Cybersecurity for health and care
- Priority 1: Better health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems
- Opportunities in related programmes
Juan E. Riese, Health Institute Carlos III, Spain - Afternoon Session
- Examples of funded project
- The importance of impact and how to achieve it
- Interactive Session: Call analysis workshop based on participants’ proposal ideas:
- Finding the right call for your ideA
- Analysing the call text: a first work breakdown structure
Presentations and Supporting Material
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