The 3rd and last Access to Risk Finance event took place on the 23rd of November in Istanbul. The aim of this event was to present and explain the available EU Finance Instruments for innovators (InnovFIN) to Financial Intermediaries & Finance Professionals (VC’s, Business Angel Networks, Banks etc.) and empower them to pursuit their participation in them. The objective was to provide a good understanding of InnovFIN tools and given the time limits of a full day workshop, to outline the necessary steps for an intermediary in order to benefit from them.
The event was targeted to Financial Intermediaries, VCs, Business Angels, Investors, Financiers, Finance & Funding Consultants.
The key speaker of the event was Steve Rogers, the Deputy Head of Unit, SMEs, Financial Instruments and State Aid of DG Research & Innovation, European Commission. Steve presented the InnovFin Tools and run an extensive Q&A session.
Mr. Burak Saygılı, the Manager of Development Finance Institutions from TSKB shared the Experience of Financial Intermediaries through the case study of TSKB.
All presentations can be downloaded below.
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