Welcome to the Project Writing Camps on H2020 WIDESPREAD TEAMING call, organised by "Turkey in H2020" Project Team and TUBITAK.
In this page you can find all presentations and supporting material for this demanding training.
Aims and Objectives
The main aim of the seminar is to support excellent and ambitious researchers of Turkey in the preparation of competitive and high quality proposals for H2020 Teaming Call. Objectives of the seminar are:
- To understand requirements of the Call in detail;
- To empower researchers in presenting and promoting the concept of their Center of Excellence;
- To support researchers in preparing all sections of their proposal;
- To bring researchers in contact with colleagues that have succeeded in the first phase of Teaming Call.
- To address all technical details and questions by participants.
Target Audience
Ambitious and committed researchers from academic institutions that are aiming to become or are already Centres of Excellence.
Additional note
- Participants are strongly encouraged to bring their own laptops.
- Participants are expected to prepare and present their work every day of the seminar.
Presentations and Notes
Presentations and Templates for the exercises can be found below. You can use this helpdesk to submit any questions you may have.
You can also find templates for budget and gantt charts.
Find more on the call on Participant Portal.
As we were discussing on Smart Specialisation Strategy and policy documents you can have a look at this platform: http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/home
Thanks Odysseas, could you please also share with us Proposal Reviewers' list?
Templates for budget and Gantt chart are uploaded. I'll soon upload the Evaluators Register List as well.
Is there any easily understandable (even without an MBA) description of the aspects and content and questions asked of a business plan? In particular with respect to research.
Have a look at Commissioner Moeadas' speech: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-15-5243_en.htm
Although there is an unlimited amount of resources (both free and paid) in the Internet for writing a Business Plan, I recommend starting from the links below:
This is a very popular tool among start ups and the tech industry. It was introduced only in 2008 but became almost a must under Lean Startup principles. You can use it as a strategy and visualisation tool but it cannot replace a detailed business plan. See the principles and check out some tools to easily create a BC:
Investigate how many projects (and budget) every organisation has won under FP7 or Horizon 2020: http://ec.europa.eu/budget/fts/index_en.htm
Have a look at the Statistics for R&D from TUBITAK: https://th2020.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/209264249-Turkey-s-Performance-in-EU-R-D-I
Check out the Reaching Out approach of FRACTALS project (by Grigoris Chatzikostas).
Find the budget preparation here: H2020 Budget Preparation
Please do not forget to evaluate our workshop. You can do that easily even from your mobile using this form.
hi odysseas tahnk you very much for your help
i have a request I cant get the updated prsentation of Alexander the busines plan structure doc he showed
Template for Business Plan presented by Aleksander can be found here (see the attachments).
Updated presentation is uploaded above (download it here)
Dear Odysseas,
During the project camp one of your suggestion is using Business Model Canvas. I have some confusion.
When we using canvas we have to focus Phase 1 (12 months activities) or general business model of Center of Excellence.
Hello Odysseas, I would have a question in regard to citations and references. We are supposed to provide a boat-load of numbers and details. How do we demonstrate that we did not make them up? Footnotes would take up too much space. Are they supposed to appear in the end? Thanks, Gerhard
Hello Odysseas, some more questions:
1) Project coordinator: besides good English and being approachable to H2020, are there any other considerations? We wonder if a person with a business background or a research background would be better. Teaming is about a CoE, but phase 1 is a business plan. Could there be two coordinators?
2) Section 3.4 (Resources to be committed): does this refer to the H2020 support for phase 1 and how we will spend it, or does this ask for additional funds from our side to be spend during phase 1?
3) It is no clear to us what the difference is between section 3.3 (Consortium as a whole) and 4.1 (Members of the consortium/Participants). Does 4.1 just give more information on the same topic?
Thanks so much for your help,
1/ You may have a Coordinator (better to be high profile scientific personnel from the main applicant) and a Head of Business Planning (could be a person with Business background).
2/ It refers to H2020 support, project budget.
3/ Consortium as a whole presents complementarity and how partners work together to achieve the goals, while 4.1 asks particular information from each individual partner according to a specified template.
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