//Updated with presentations from Ankara 18 Mar 2019 event! //
In this page you can find all presentations from the TNA-1 event on Information Multipliers held in Ankara on 18 Mar 2019. It was a 1-day with more than 70 participants. Below you can find the agenda items of the events and all presentations given.
- Overview of Turkey in Horizon 2020 Phase II with focus on IMS
// Odysseas Spyroglou, Key Expert - Introduction to event
// Mr. Nikolaos Floratos, Training Coordinator - Introduction of each participant based on team building activities
// All participants - IMs training activities and lessons learned from Phase I
// Mr. Philip Sowden, Key Expert - IMs collaboration and support platform
// Mr. Odysseas Spyroglou, Key Expert, IMs participants
• Platform Presentation
• Update profile of IMs online platform by each participant
• Suggestions of new features - Experiences from phase I by IMs participants
Findings based on the online questionnaire for IMs in Phase II
// Mr. Nikolaos Floratos
• Impressions
• lessons learned and
• anecdotes IMs participants - IMs mission & vision of IMs, obstacles and opportunities, supporting strategies and training activities. Work in four groups based on the provided TNA tool and approach Participants split in four groups with the support of the project team
Presentation of the findings from each of the four groups from the rapporteur from each group
// Mr. Nikolaos Floratos, IMs participants
• Presentation on main points gathered from the day’s presentations
• Discussion
• Final recommendations
• Event evaluation
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