Webinars for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) - Turkey in Horizon 2020 Phase II Project
The “Turkey in Horizon 2020 Phase II” Technical Assistance Project which is co-financed by the EU and The Republic of Turkey and is implemented by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology within the scope of the Competitive Sectors Programme. TUBITAK is the end recipient of the assistance and offers a wide range of support for small and medium businesses in Turkey. The support includes partnering and networking events, a wide range of training courses and assistance with developing proposals and presentations. Further information can be found at www.turkeyinh2020.eu
The European Commission launched their new Framework Programme; ‘Horizon Europe’ in January this year. As with the previous programme, ‘Accelerator’ support for innovative SMEs continues to be a major feature of support, along with other forms of assistance on research and development. There are however important changes in the way that these programmes will be focused and administered.
In response to the new programme, the Turkey in Horizon 2020 Project would like to invite you to participate in a webinar on ‘New EIC Program – What’s in it for SMEs?’ The event is aimed at SMEs which would like to learn more about the overall Horizon Europe and the European Innovation Council (EIC) which is an essential component of Horizon Europe. Different EIC tools will be introduced and financial support offered under the EIC Accelerator component will be focused. The Webinar will be conducted by the project’s team of international experts who are well known to previous participants and will be happy as usual to deal with any questions.
The webinar will use ‘Zoom’ conferencing software. It will be held on Friday, 06th April, commencing at 10:00 for approximately 2 hours.
Event Recording and Training Materials
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