Focus Group Training – Horizon Europe Cluster 6: Biodiversity-Food Systems-Circular Economy-Climate-Innovative Governance
This is the dedicated page for our Focus Group Training – Horizon Europe Cluster 6.
The event takes place on 10-11 June 2021 at 10:00 am under the “Turkey in Horizon 2020 Phase II” Technical Assistance Project.
We have the honour to invite you to our Focus Group Training on Horizon Europe Cluster 6: Biodiversity, Food Systems, Circular Economy, Climate, Innovative Governance (Online Workshop) is organised by TÜBİTAK, the End Recipient of Assistance, under the “Turkey in Horizon 2020 Phase II” Technical Assistance Project which is co-financed by the EU and the Republic of Turkey and implemented by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology within the scope of Competitive Sectors Programme.
The event is a 2-day intensive online workshop focusing on potential participants in Horizon Europe Framework Programme that would like to learn about the Horizon Europe Cluster 6 Calls and how to prepare proposals. The event will cover the Work Programme for Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment under the Cluster 6 section of Pillar II area: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness. The event will target the following Cluster 6 Destinations:
Destination 1 – Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Destination 2 – Fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems from primary production to consumption
Destination 3 – Circular economy and bioeconomy sectors
Destination 5 – Land, oceans and water for climate action
Destination 7 – Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal
It will present how to read a work programme and understand the basics behind the calls. It will also go through a proposal preparation process and specific requirements for each proposal section. The sessions are structured in such a way to help participants understand the call text and to learn how to best prepare their own projects, and how to meet the evaluation criteria. The content is enriched with presentations, training notes, curated literature from the EU, and useful templates.
The event will take place online on 10-11 June 2021, in the morning and afternoon hours, commencing with a short registration process at 9:45.
Event Recording
1st Day
2nd Day
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