Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: Bridging Business and Research Opportunities under MSCA Staff Exchanges, November 14, 2022
We have the honour to invite you to the (on-site) event dedicated “Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA): Bridging Business and Research – Opportunities under MSCA Staff Exchanges” organised by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) EU Framework Programmes National Coordination Office under the “Turkey in Horizon 2020 Phase II” Technical Assistance Project. The project, which is co-financed, by the EU and the Republic of Turkey is implemented by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology within the remit of the Competitive Sectors Programme. The event will be conducted in İstanbul, in conjunction with European Research Executive Agency. The event programme is attached at the end of the page.
This Horizon Europe MSCA Bridging Business and Research event on the 14th of November 2022, Monday, welcomes participants in order to provide with detailed information for the 2022 call of MSCA Staff Exchanges. Alongside with MSCA Staff Exchanges, participants will also be informed about other MSCA calls such as Doctoral Networks, Postdoctoral Fellowships and COFUND.
It is worth noting that MSCA Staff Exchanges Call (and the other MSCA calls) is open to all research areas. We would be pleased to inform all researchers and research performing institutions about current and future MSCA calls via this event.
As for, MSCA Staff Exchanges, it involves organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (including SMEs) from across the globe. Support is provided for international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility of R&I staff leading to knowledge transfer between participating organisations.
Hence, the event will cover informative sessions with success stories from different sectors, expert views, IPR rights and one-to-one info session (via b2match) which will continue online after the event for two weeks with the National Contact Points and possible Turkish partners, if needed. During the event, Enterprise Europe Network Services and MSCA NCP Services together with EURAXESS Services information will also be shared.
Please visit the registration link below and do not miss the opportunity. Looking forward to seeing you physically at Istanbul Chamber of Industry: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15MafXlUxvo8vICuVQNynTYBDyJl3FAWOooMWciz4CAs
For detailed information about the agenda and MSCA calls, please contact ncpmobility@tubitak.gov.tr
For any concerns about registration or any other organisational issues, please contact Mr. Kemal Onur Gungor at k.gungor@idi.ie or Ms. Selin Doğrusöz at s.dogrusoz@idi.ie with an email copy to ncpmobility@tubitak.gov.tr
The event will be conducted at Istanbul Chamber of Industry – Fazıl Zobu Assembly Hall on November 14, 2022, commencing with the registration at 09:30 AM.
Jointly funded by the Turkish Government and the European Union, the ‘Turkey in Horizon 2020 Phase II’ Technical Assistance Project offers a wide range of training support for the innovation ecosystem and the supporting infrastructure in Turkey. The project includes networking events, a wide range of training courses and assistance with developing proposals and presentations. Further information can be found on https://ufukavrupa.org.tr/en website.
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